Illinois Sexual Harassment Training Regulations

Training Requirements

Who is required to receive training?

All employees. Restaurant and bar employees are required to receive supplemental training in addition to the training required for all employees.

What must the training include?
  • For all employees:
    • An explanation and examples of sexual harassment; a summary of federal and state laws and regulations including remedies available to victims; summary of responsibilities of employers in the prevention, investigation, and corrective measures.
  • For employees in restaurants and bars:
    • Supplemental training must include specific conduct, activities, or videos related to the restaurant or bar industry; an explanation of manager liability and responsibility under the law; English and Spanish language options.
How often is training required?


Is there a time requirement on the training?


Where can I find the law?

(775 ILCS 5/) Article 2 Employment

State Office Information for Sexual Harassment Complaints and Investigations

To learn more about the compliant process or to file a complaint, visit the Illinois Department of Human Rights website.

Chicago Office
Intake Unit
100 West Randolph Street, 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601
Office: (312) 814-6200
Email: [email protected]
Springfield Office
535 West Jefferson Street
1st Floor
Intake Unit
Springfield, IL 62702
Office: (217) 785-5100

SafetySkills Recommended Training

Employee GroupTraining RequirementsRecommended SafetySkills Course(s)More Information
Supervisory EmployeesTraining required annuallyHRM-10.2 Sexual Harassment and Discrimination for Managers(775 ILCS 5/) Article 2 Employment
Non-Supervisory EmployeesTraining required annually for all employees; supplemental training required for restaurant and bar employeesHRM-17.2 Sexual Harassment and Discrimination for Employees. HRM-30.2 Sexual Harassment for Customer-Facing Positions is recommended as an add-on for restaurant and bar employees and other customer-facing positions (does not replace HRM-17; it is meant as an addtional module).(775 ILCS 5/) Article 2 Employment