New York Sexual Harassment Training Regulations

Training Requirements

Who is required to receive training?

All employees in the public and private sectors.

What must the training include?

Explanation of sexual harassment with examples, federal and state provisions available for victims, employees workplace rights and options for reporting, and additional information on reporting and managing for supervisors.

How often is training required?


Is there a time requirement on the training?


Where can I find the law?

Minimum Standards for Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

State Office Information for Sexual Harassment Complaints and Investigations

To learn more about the compliant process or to file a complaint, visit the New York State Division of Human Rights website.

SafetySkills Recommended Training

Employee GroupTraining RequirementsRecommended SafetySkills Course(s)More Information
Supervisory EmployeesRequired annuallyHRM-23.2 Sexual Harassment and Discrimination for Managers in New York (includes NYC requirements)
Non-Supervisory EmployeesRequired annuallyHRM-24.2 Sexual Harassment and Discrimination for Employees in New York (includes NYC requirements)