Indiana Sexual Harassment Training Regulations

Training Requirements

Who is required to receive training?

  • All employees under the authority of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor.
  • Members of the Legislature.

How often is training required?


Is there a time requirement on the training?


Where can I find the law?

Workplace Harassment Prevention

State Office Information for Sexual Harassment Complaints and Investigations

Indiana Civil Rights Commission
100 North Senate Avenue, Room N300
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Office: (317) 232-2600
Toll Free: (800) 628-6580

SafetySkills Recommended Training

Employee GroupRecommended SafetySkills Course(s)
Supervisory EmployeesHRM-10.2 Sexual Harassment and Discrimination for Managers
Non-Supervisory EmployeesHRM-17.2 Sexual Harassment and Discrimination for Employees