Utah Sexual Harassment Training Regulations

Training Requirements

Who is required to receive training?

All state employees.

What must the training include?

All training content must be approved by the Utah Division of Risk Management.

How often is training required?

Once every two years.

Is there a time requirement on the training?


Where can I find the law?

Utah Administrative Code R477-15.6. Training

State Office Information for Sexual Harassment Complaints and Investigations

To learn more about the compliant process or to file a complaint, visit the Utah Antidiscrimination & Labor Division website.

160 East 300 South, 3rd Floor
PO Box 146630
Salt Lake City, UT 84114‐6630
Office: (801) 530‐6801
Email: [email protected]

SafetySkills Recommended Training

Employee GroupRecommended SafetySkills Course(s)
Supervisory EmployeesHRM-10.2 Sexual Harassment and Discrimination for Managers
Non-Supervisory EmployeesHRM-17.2 Sexual Harassment and Discrimination for Employees